Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Sense of Belonging

Diamant, E. & Waterhouse, A. (2010). Gardening and belonging: reflections on how social and therapeutic horticulture may facilitate health, wellbeing and inclusion. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73(2), p84-88.

I have just finished reading this article and it’s like a light has gone on (better late than never). I know it has never been just about the activity we look at as Occupational Therapists, but I think I have always been so tied up with the activity that I haven’t stepped back and taken a deeper more personal look at it from the other side.

Is the key to a successful group, not the activity, but a sense of belonging and inclusion?

I was involved with a group that seemed to have little focus or direction and I wondered why the service users would come (apart from some having to) to this particular location to take part in activities that did not seem meaningful to them. Now as I reflect and having read this article I understand a little more clearly the depth and meaning groups can offer. Even though the group I was with seemed disjointed, the friendly banter between members, the shared lunch and the outings all provided that sense of doing and being together.

As an occupational therapist providing the right balance in group facilitation will be challenging but now I will try to remember and step back and imagine what it is the people I am working with are taking away with them.

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